Monday, December 12, 2011

Writing Talk

I did a podcast yesterday at Wise Bear Books. Check it out here.

It was great fun, and I'll be doing another podcast when my book Armed And Outrageous comes out. It's funny to me being asked questions about who my favorite authors are or which ones inspire me. I enjoy a variety of authors, and it's hard to choice just one. I'm a huge Janet Evanovich fan, and her books inspired me to start writing humor. I know that's the direction I started, but it's the one I'm now embracing.

I promise my thriller, The Bone Extractor, will be published by some means (it's still being considered by a publisher). My short story collection Coffin Tales Season Of Death is starting to have an increase in sales, which I'm grateful for because it will be serialized. Next time it won't be Season Of Death, it will have a different name like Coffin Tales Ghostly Images (just pulling that off the top of my head). I think you get the point. Next time it will be one story, not two.

Novel wise I'm working on a chick lit or romance entitled, My Redneck Boyfriend. It's going to be a fun read also, and of course, the sequel to Armed is in the works, if not on paper yet. I think it's important to continue to write new books. I try to come up with books that reflect my true personality. If they happen to be entertaining, it's a win, win situation.

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