Sunday, June 26, 2011

Armed and Outrageous

I have a new title for my WIP, a senior sleuth entitled "Armed and Outrageous." I was trying to come up with a title, and I was told it will come to me, and that's what happened.

I have certain word count in mind, and as I'm drawing closer to the end I'm going out on a limb and trying something different for me. I'm going to write the end before I start bringing it any closer. By knowing how long the end will take will give me a clue how much more I need to write.

I'm writing in first person, and it's a stretch for me from the last book I wrote. It may not work for most, but it's working for me, at least this time. I bought a book on writing and one of the things suggested are that you learn to write by writing. You never learn unless you do it wrong first. I fit that category to a tee. Also all the advice you are given you'll take when you're ready. 

My last book was so disturbing to write, and that is why I went so far in the opposite direction. I think they're both good in their own unique way. The problem this time is that you don't know a whole lot about the killer, and in the end, you'll see it's someone you knew all along.

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